Endeavour Members Forum News

This is our first attempt at delivering news and information from the forum. The Endeavour Forum seeks to provide a place for owners of ALL Endeavour sailboats to get together and meet other owners, share experiences, and discuss issues relevant to this line of sailboats. The Forum was originally set it up for owners of E32's (because that's what I own), but it has quickly grown to include all Endeavours from the 32 through the 51, although the name does reflect it yet. The largest Endeavour in our group is the 43. You can find The Endeavour Members Forum at:

It's taken some time but I finally pulled it together and got the "Membership Form" working. It has been available to everyone for 3 or 4 months but it was not active and required applicants to copy and e-mail it back to us. It took a long time to get it functional because we did a lot of sailing this summer and I've been really busy with things around the office, one of which is developing a Web site for International Marine Publishers. It's really looking nice and will contain articles from notable sailors and authors, various boat resources, and of course the ability to search their titles and buy books directly from them. I'll let you know when its on-line and active.

As for the membership form, I encourage everyone to resubmit your membership application. We'd really like to expand our database on Endeavour Sailboats and by re- submitting, you'll be assured of receiving the newsletter, notices of 'special' events and postings, etc. And we do have some ideas for a couple of special events in 1998!

Many of you have been very helpful with supplying information (and questions!) to the Forum about many things. One bit of information came from one of our members Derek who sails an E32 called "After Hours" on Lake Huron about a newsletter that was being published on Endeavour sailboats. The "Endeavour News" has been published twice a year since 1996 by Carol and Lee Elwell with the 4th issue about ready to come out. I've recently spoken to Carol about combining our efforts of publishing the newsletter and maintaining this forum, and things are looking really positive! We may even be delivering the next issue. That also means more work on my part so I'd like to ask everyone to help out with an occasional story or interesting tid bit. It could be regional (ie: shoal draft sailing in the Keys), living aboard, or about something specific to your boat.

One area I'd like to develop is a list of links for internet resources. If you know of any that you feel our members may be interested in, please submit them and we'll take a look.

Well its winter in the midwest and our boat is tucked away for the season. It's that time of the year when my thoughts begin to wander away from sailing to skiing (my other passion--please try to understand). The kids are going through sugar withdrals from Halloween and mom and dad are fighting the midwinter bulge from Thanksgiving! One of the things that keeps my mind turned to sailing is this forum and during the past couple of weeks several things have shown up in my e-mail box. One of which was a photo that was submitted by Bob Barnhart from North Carolina of his boat SNAG at low tide. If you haven't checked out the photo page recently, you'll find it there.

Also, this past summer (here I go reminiscing again), the Pride of Baltimore sailed into Chicago for the 4th of July. What a ship! You can see my photos of her at the following URL: http://members.aol.com/paulcu
Paul Uhl

One of the nice things about being on the lower Chesapeake Bay is the length of the season. We went sailing today for several hours however the wind was in our "creek" going out rather than in the bay. One thing I have noticed is that the E32 does not go when there are seas left from earlier wind but the present wind is neglible. Today was such a case. Wind was 0-4 kts. and seas were one to two feet. She also seems to be a boat for footers, not for pinchers.
Bob and Sandy Warren

This came from my friend Teresa who hosts the "SailingChat" at TalkCity on Tuesdays at 8pm ET. She got this e-mail from Peter Isler inviting her to join him in checking out this website!

Hi Teresa:

You might want to check out the Outdoor Life Network's web site

There is a sailing section there and I have a couple of monthly columns.


And on the racing front, the next broadcast of the Whitbread "Cape Town to Fremantle" leg will air on ESPN Wednesday 12/10 at 3pm ET. You can find more scheduling at

Well folks, until next time _________/)______
